Certification Programs For Measured Growth

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Collaborative Projects Help Team Building

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Tournaments For Metrics

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Welcome to Navyog Corporation's portal where you can register for all the tournaments in and around your area. At Navyog, our sole purpose is to help bright students with testing opportunities and other special needs to reach their full potential. Explore our website to find out more about our events and schedule your events today.

Navyog offers several contests and certification examination in the field of Math, Science, English, Chess, Music and More. Navyog portal, serves several teachers in various fields. To become a registered teacher in the system, you can join as a Premium or Standard member. Anyone can join as Individual member (free) to take part in any of the events offered here.

Our Mission

What We Believe

At Navyog, students are surrounded by other bright peers with extraordinary skills, and quickly realize they are not alone; they are part of a strong community of active learners who are capable of amazing achievements.

We believe students who constantly measure their progress can develop the skills necessary to keep pace with competitive real world settings. We believe in the saying "what is not measured cannot be managed". We aim to test all of our students how to leverage their strengths in areas that may be difficult, and how to advocate for the tools that they need in order to succeed.



At Navyog, we believe that a supportive community is the key to helping students deal with the challenges in the real world. Augmented learning through certification programs, competitions and additional coaching are the key to meet such challenges.

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Navyog Corporation
4504, Legacy Dr Ste 100, Plano, TX 75024

Voice: VM: Text: +1 747-777-6270